Teaching the older kids has become quite difficult with the babies. Desperate times call for desperate measures. So, this week, I was alot more creative. I pulled out alot more activities for the babies to use. Once they got tired of one thing, I whipped out something new for them. This seemed to work well, except for all the stuff I had to pick up off the floor and sort out. If I didn’t sort it then, the activities probably would not have been ready to pull out later in the week. So, in attempts to be obedient and spend less time blogging, I will just focus on some of the activites that the babies liked best.
They played with these little chalk boards that I found at the Dollar Store. They had fun drawing and erasing…and then breaking the chalk. It may look like I have a lefty, but he actually uses both hands. I am really going to try to push the right hand, becuase I just don’t know how I in the world I would go about teaching a lefty how to write!
As always, they played with their puff balls, spoons, cups, and bowls. But, I wised up and used some old plastic bowls and I got them some little plastic tumbler cups for the Dollar Store…hopefully they won’t be able to break these!)
Finally, the last highlight was playing with their Barney Move ‘N Groove Dance Mat.
A friend of mine gave this to us and the babies absolutely love it! It plays music and there are little “games” that you can play on it. Oh, and yes, Barney dances and talks! Way too cute!!
So, those were just a few of the things that we did this week.
Be sure to check out Tot School for more great toddler ideas as well as my other website for free online preK resources.
Tot School~23 months: Chalk boards & Dancing Barney was first posted by Mama Jenn on June 22, 2009 at 10:33 pm.
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